Stroke & Brain Injury Neuro-Rehabilitation Center
- Stroke Rehabilitation
- Brain Injury Rehabilitation
- Robotic Rehabilitation Center
Stroke Rehabilitation
Brain hemorrhage, brain embolism, cases of paralysis caused by embolic stroke
Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Comprehensive physical therapy in traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries
Robotic Rehabilitation
Stroke rehabilitation with the latest technology robotic devices
Stories of Success

“We come from Senegal. My mother couldn't walk. As a result of the treatment she received, she can now walk with assistance and manage all her needs. We cannot thank Professor Engin Cakar and his team enough for their professionalism, meticulousness and courtesy.”
Penda dado Kane

“I was singing at the bar with my group of friends at that time. I had a brain hemorrhage and suddenly fell down. My friends took me to the hospital. I was bedridden due to a brain hemorrhage. After 4 months of physical therapy, I can walk and sing again.”
Eser Kucuk

“I beat the clot, I beat the stroke. I started to work. I made a garden. May God bless everyone who helped me with my treatment.”
Husnu Tako

“When I was 16, I had two brain hemorrhages and was bedridden. I spent a long time in intensive care. My life was considered a miracle. I didn't give up and got better, now I'm excited to start university... I have 2 supermen. One is my sister; she brought me to the right doctor. The second one is my doctor Engin Cakar who brought me to this point.”
Sude Yilmaz

"I had a stroke due to cerebral hemorrhage 2.5 years ago. Professor Engin Cakar was with me throughout my entire treatment process and followed my health condition meticulously and with interest. I would like to thank my doctor Engin Cakar and his team endlessly."
Doğuşcan Önat

“As far as we observed during our 9-month inpatient + 10-month outpatient treatment process, there are many people who stand up and walk almost running as a result of the treatment (my 73-year-old husband, who has an aortic prosthetic valve, is one of them). Being very patient and involving the family is extremely valuable and proven through experience, as you suggested. May you have plenty of energy and good luck. So glad to have you!”
Aynur Meriç
Stories of Success
Erhan Bey, who suffered a heart attack and experienced cardiac arrest three times, consequently suffering from widespread brain damage due to lack of oxygen, returned home to his family following a comprehensive neuro-rehabilitation program.
Eser Küçük, who was admitted to our clinic one month after suffering a stroke in Cyprus, avoided paralysis following treatment and returned to his normal life.
Hüsnü Tako, who experienced a stroke and left-side paralysis due to a brain artery blockage, returned to his daily life after two months of intensive and comprehensive physical therapy.
Deniz Çelik, who developed brain damage, hemorrhage, and edema after falling from the roof of a hut, stood up and was discharged walking, following a brain surgery and comprehensive Physical and Robotic Therapies.
Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar
Graduated from the Gülhane Military Medical Academy – GATA in 1999. Completed his specialization training in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in 2005. Received the title of Professor in 2016.
Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar is a physician specialized in the treatment of stroke, commonly known as paralysis among the public, particularly in early-stage physical therapy and rehabilitation, neuro-rehabilitation, and robotic rehabilitation.
Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar has over 20 years of experience in the treatment of Stroke and Brain Damage.
He currently serves as the Head of the Stroke and Brain Damage Robotic Neuro-rehabilitation Center at Şişli Memorial Hospital.
Scientific Publications
In addition to his professional career, Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar continues his work in the academic field and keeps making significant contributions to the literature with his academic articles.
You can visit this page to access the contributions of Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar to scientific publications.

Yatılı Kapsamlı Fizik Tedavide Hastanın 1 Günü Nasıl Geçer?

Doctor Visit

Walking Robot Lokomat

Hand & Arm Robot Armeo



Computerized Balance System

Speech & Swallowing Therapy

Respiratory Therapy


We have replied the most frequently asked questions for you.
Do you have robotic physical therapy at you clinic?
The most developed robotic therapy devices in the world and the needed technological infrastructure in the sphere of Neurological Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy exist at the Istanbul Rehab Academy.
The robotic therapy devices and the technological infrastructure at our center:
- Hocoma Lab
- Robotic Bed Erigo Pro
- Walking Robot Lokomat Pro with Free D
- Hand and Arm Robot Armeo Power with Manova
- Anti-Gravity Treadmill Alter G
- Cybex Isokinetic Test and Exercise System
- Computerized Balance Device
On which patients the inpatient physical therapy applied?
The comprehensive inpatient physical therapy program is applied for the patients who had paralysis due to the reasons like brain hemorrhage, brain injury or brain tumor in order to make them regain their functions an prevent the permanent paralysis. The patients on whom we apply therapy mostly are:
- Stroke patients: The patients who had a stroke caused by brain hemorrhage, brain embolism or embolic stroke.
- Brain Injury: The patients whose brain tissue has been damaged and who had paralysis caused by asphyxiation of brain, traumatic brain injury or brain edema
- After the brain tumor operation: The patients whose brain tissue has been damaged and who had paralysis caused by brain tumor or after the brain tumor operation.
How is the application and admittance of the inpatient process?
- The patients who need physical therapy and rehabilitation, neuro-rehabilitation and robotic physical therapy should be hospitalized in the early period and receive comprehensive treatment.
- Initially, the immediate relatives of the patients are contacted and a 1-minute video, the latest epicrisis, up-to-date imaging reports and blood tests results are requested if available.
- All the documentation process regarding the patients abroad or from another city is executed via internet and voice call via cellphones.
- The relatives of the patients are informed about the average duration of hospitalization, the remarks about the expectations regarding the healing of the patient and rehab process.
- For the processes regarding the requests on inpatient treatment, the communication can be established via WhatsApp on the number 0 542 215 80 80 and then via video call.
Where will I stay in case of inpatient physical therapy?
You will stay at the Physical Therapy Inpatient Story prepared specially for our patients at Memorial Şişli Hospital, under the surveillance of the doctors and nurses as 24/7. You can stay in the modern and comfortable rooms designed by the Memorial Hospital safely with your hospital attendance.
What are done during inpatient physical therap? What are included in this therapy?
The patients are evaluated initially by all the branches, especially Neurology, Brain Surgery, Physical Therapy, Internal Diseases and Psychiatry in inpatient therapy. In the council gathered after the evaluations, the current situation, healing potential, the potential treatments and rehabilitation capacity of the patient are determined.
During the comprehensive inpatient therapy, the specialist doctor support may be received in every needed branch. The patient exercises with a multidisciplinary team including physiotherapist, ergotherapist (occupational therapist) robotic therapy technician, rehabilitation nurse, physical therapy technician, speech-swallowing therapist, respiratory therapist, psychologist, dietitian and orthosis-prosthesis technician.
The comprehensive physical therapy duration of stroke rehabilitation is 8 weeks in average. This duration may be longer or shorter according to the situation of the patients.
- Face to face 3-7 hours of daily rehabilitation
- 24 hours doctor surveillance
- Special therapy program for the patient
How many therapy sessions are applied in inpatient physical therapy?
In inpatient physical therapy, the patients take 2 sessions of physiotherapy, 1 session of electrotherapy, 1 session of ergotherapy, 1 session of walking robot and 1 session of hand and arm robot. These sessions vary between 30 minutes and 1 hour according to the applied therapy.
If it is needed, the speech-swallowing therapy, and respiratory therapy are included into the treatment program of the patient. The amount or duration of the existing session may increase if it is decided they will not be a harmful burden of the patient.
Which services are included in the inpatient physical therapy?
All the methods of rehabilitation like physiotherapy, electrotherapy, ergotherapy, speech-swallowing therapy, robotic physical therapy and respiratory therapy are included in the package. Besides, the regular internal diseases specialist control, blood tests, physical therapy physician examination, medication applications and nursery service, the accommodation and nutrition service for the patients and their companions, consultations, specific examinations (x-ray, MRI ,tomography etc.) are included in the package. To sum up, all the comprehensive examinations and treatments of the patients with the diseases like stroke, brain injury, and spinal cord injury are included in the package. For the treatments which are not specific- e.g. dental treatment-, additional fares apply.
May a hospital attendant stay with the patient during the inpatient physical treatment?
Yes, 1 hospital attendant can stay with the patient. During the treatment of stroke, the hospital attendant is an important part of the treatment team. So a collaborative companion contributes positively within this treatment process.
What is the cost of inpatient and outpatient physical therapy?
For the inpatient physical therapy and rehabilitation and neurorehabilitation, robotic therapy applications, ambulatory processes applied at our clinic, and the costs of all the medical processes, you can receive detailed information from our contact number 0 542 215 80 80.
What are the advantages of inpatient physical therapy?
In case of inpatient physical therapy, the therapy is 2 times busier than ambulatory treatment. Especially the stroke patients in the developmental stage improve themselves with these intense and repetitive treatments.
The patients are under 24/7 doctor surveillance. Some routine blood tests are requested from the patient and the general condition is followed-up. Besides the specialist of physical therapy and rehabilitation, an internal disease specialist also visits the patients daily and evaluates their general condition.
The medications of the patient are controlled and regulated by neurology and brain surgery teams.
If needed, the consultation service is received from all the branches of Memorial Hospital and the patient is recovered in every aspect.
Can I go home at the weekend in case of inpatient physical therapy?
Our specialist doctors encourage you to go home and socialize with you family at the weekends if they ensure your medical situation in case of falling risks etc.
Can stroke be treated?
At our clinic, the treatments to prevent permanent paralysis after stroke, brain injury and brain tumor. Many factors like the size of the area which was affected from the injury, the severity of the injury, age of the patient and early intervention have an impact on the results of therapy. For this reason, it is important to avoid from a common and general description. An accurate method can be defined after a detailed doctor examination.
At our clinic, all the scientific methods applied throughout the world regarding the treatment of paralysis and the latest technology robotic devices are used. Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar, who has more than 20 years of experience in the sphere of stroke and brain injury treatment, and his expert team have assisted many patients to achieve success.
How many sessions does my illness require? When will I be discharged from the hospital?
The inpatient physical therapy duration of stroke and brain injury rehabilitation is 8 weeks in average. This duration may be longer or shorter according to the situation of the patients, the loss of function, the severity of the injury in the brain and the medical response we receive.
The general condition, and treatment program of the patient is evaluated with the team meetings which are held on the beginning of every week. In these meetings, the weekly developments and the improvements from the beginning of the therapy are evaluated and the healing potential is discussed. As a result of these evaluations, the decision of your discharge is specified.
How do you receive the ambulatory applications?
Our ambulatory patients can make an appointment from us via the Whatsapp line 0 542 215 80 80 or via telephone and website of Memorial Şişli Hospital.
What is the duration of a session of physical therapy?
This duration depends on the illness and the applied method of therapy. Your physical therapy session may contain physiotherapy, electrotherapy, Ergotherapy or robotic rehabilitation applications. Each of these may take a duration between 20 min-1hour.
Your therapy may be 5 hours in daily average in case of inpatient physical therapy and 2.5-3 hours in average in case of ambulatory physical therapy.
What are your working hours? How is the evening and weekend?
In case of our inpatients, 5 hours in average are spent with intense and comprehensive physical therapy applications between 08:30-18:00 on weekdays. While forming an intense thrapy program like this, also the periods of rest are taken into consideration. The breaks are given as 30 min- 1 hour between each session and after 18:00 in the evening.
The patients receive all the robotic therapy, Ergotherapy, electro therapy and physiotherapy as much as half of the weekdays. On Sunday, only 1 session of physiotherapy is applied and then the patients are left to rest. In this way, the patients who had rest at the weekend can start the new week energetically.
With which institutions do you have a contract?
Your therapy costs may be covered according to your contract with some of the private health insurance types.
For the other types of inpatient physical therapy and rehabilitation and neurorehabilitation, robotic therapy applications, ambulatory processes, and the costs of all the medical processes, you can receive detailed information from our contact number 0 542 215 80 80.
How Does a Patient Spend a Day in Inpatient Comprehensive Physical Therapy?
İletişim Kanallarımız
İstanbul Rehabilitasyon Akademisi Memorial Şişli Hastanesi’nde faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir.
Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız
Kolay Randevu

Prof. Dr. Engin Çakar