What is Hand and Arm Robot?
Hand and arm robot is a robotic physical therapy method used in gestural function disorders and aims the enhancement of hand and arm usage capability starting from the earlier periods of the rehabilitation.
It helps of the development of the daily activities like holding things, eating, putting on and taking off clothes. It also enables the serious mobility cases to participate into the physical therapy and rehabilitation within the early period.

The Swiss Hocoma firm is the leading firm in robotic therapies all around the world. The Armeo Power with Manova which is the latest robotic device to enable the gestural functions to be brought into the ideal level functionally is also used at our clinic.

The diseases in which Armeo Power is used:
• Stroke
• Brain injury
• Neurological Diseases
• Spinal Cord Injuries
What is the impact of Armeo Power on the
patient? What is the aim of usage?
Armeo power device is a robot technology which is developed with a virtual reality integration used to repair the gestural function losses in especially the rehabilitation of stroke, brain injury and traumatic spinal cord injuries. There are sensors which detect if the person is able to do the requested gestural function and it organizes the needed exercise according to the needs of patients with the developed technology. While the lost functions are being enhanced, the given support by the device is reduced. In this way, a successful rehab process occurs.

What is the impact of Armeo Power in the
rehabilitation process?
There are some restrictions of the conventional rehabilitation applied by a therapist to enable the hand and arm usage of the patients with stroke. The serious cases of stroke may not participate into the therapy sufficiently and the motivation of the patients may be low. The face to face exercises with the physiotherapist and ergotherapist may not be repeated sufficiently. In this case, the robotic hand-arm therapy enhances the frequent repetition and makes the process of relearning-coding easier. Robotic treatments also enable the instant measurable feedbacks regarding the performance of the patient.
In the rehabilitation of paralyzed hand-arm, the robotic devices are a part of the comprehensive physical therapy. That is, the best results are obtained for the patient when the methods like hand-arm rehabilitation, Ergotherapy-occupational therapy and applications by a therapist, botulinum toxin injection and spasticity treatment, orthosis and electric stimulation by a specialist of physical therapy and rehabilitation applied as integrated.